PARIS – Spending an idle morning watching people look at art is hardly a scientific experiment, but it rekindles a perennial question: What exactly are we looking for when we roam as tourists around museums? As with so many things right in front of us, the answer may be no less useful for being familiar.
At the Louvre recently, in the Pavillon des Sessions, two young women meandered through the gallery. They paused and circled around a few sculptures. They took their time. They looked slowly.
The women were unusual for stopping. Most of the museum’s visitors passed through the gallery oblivious. A few tourists glanced vainly in guidebooks or hopefully at wall labels, as if learning that one or another of these sculptures was three centuries old or maybe four might help them see what was, plain as day, just before them.
The pavilion puts some 100 immaculate objects from outside Europe on permanent view. Feathered masks from Alaska, ancient bowls from the Philippines, Mayan stone portraits and the most amazing Zulu spoon carved from wood in the abstracted S-shape of a slender young woman take no back seat, aesthetically speaking, to the great Titians and Chardins upstairs.
Almost nobody, over the course of that hour or two, paused before any object for as long as a full minute. Only a 17th-century wood sculpture of a copulating couple, from San Cristobal in the Solomon Islands, caused several tourists to point, smile and snap a photo, but without really breaking stride.
Visiting museums has always been about self-improvement. Partly we seem to go to them to find something we already recognize, something that gives us our bearings: think of the scrum of tourists invariably gathered around the Mona Lisa.
Travelers across Europe during the 18th century bore sketchbooks in which to draw and paint – to record their memories and help them see better. Cameras replaced sketching by the last century, and many people no longer felt the same urgency to look. It became possible to imagine that because a reproduction of an image was safely hidden away in a camera or cell phone, or because it was eternally available on the Web, dawdling before an original was a waste of time, especially with so much ground to cover.
We could dream about covering lots of ground thanks to expanding collections and faster means of transportation. Millions of images came to compete for our attention. So tourists now wander through museums, seeking to fulfill their lifetime’s art history requirement in a day, wondering whether it may now be the quantity of material they pass by rather than the quality of concentration they bring to what few things they choose to focus upon that determines whether they have “done” the Louvre. It’s self-improvement on the fly.
The art historian T. J. Clark has written a book about devoting several months of his time to looking intently at two paintings by Poussin. Slow looking, like slow cooking, may yet become the new radical chic.
Until then we grapple with our impatience and cultural cornucopia. Recently, I bought a couple of sketchbooks to draw with my 10-year-old in St. Peter’s and elsewhere around Rome, not because we’re any good, but to help us look more slowly and carefully at what we found. Crowds occasionally gathered around us as if we were doing something totally novel, as opposed to something normal, which sketching used to be. I almost hesitate to mention our sketching. It seems pretentious and old-fashioned in a cultural moment when we can feel almost ashamed just to look hard.
Artists fortunately remind us that there’s in fact no single, correct way to look at any work of art, save for with an open mind and patience. If you have ever gone to a museum with a good artist you probably discovered that they don’t worry so much about what art history books or wall labels tell them is right or wrong, because they’re freed to look by their own interests.
Back to those two young women at the Louvre: aspiring artists or merely curious, they didn’t plant themselves forever in front of the sculptures but they stopped just long enough to laugh and cluck and stare, and they skipped the wall labels until afterward.
They looked, in other words. And they seemed to have a very good time.
Leaving, they caught sight of a sculptured effigy from Papua New Guinea with a feathered nose, which appeared, by virtue of its wide eyes and open hands positioned on either side of its head, as if it were taunting them.
They thought for a moment. “Nyah-nyah,” they said in unison. Then stuck out their tongues.
1. 本文提到幾種參觀博物館的方式,第1 段用roam(漫無目標地亂逛),例如Tourists roam around museums.( 觀光客漫無目標地在博物館內到處亂逛)。第2 段用meander(悠閒地逛),例如,They meandered through the gallery.( 他們在展覽廳內悠閒地慢慢逛)。第7 段用dawdle(閒晃、消磨時間),例如A woman dawdled before an original work.(一名女子在一件原作前晃來晃去,久久不離去)。第8 段用wander(漫遊),類似roam,例如Tourists wander through museums.(觀光客在博物館內亂逛)。倒數第4 段plant oneself(站著不動),例如They plant themselves in front of the sculptures.(他們在雕像前站著不動)。
2. 本文用了一些成語,例如第3 段的plain as day(一目了然)、第4 段的take no back seat(不遜於)、第9 段的on the fly(匆忙地)、倒數第2 段的by virtue of(藉著)。