Many residents still live in the Mingde New Village, making it a kind of "living museum."
Veteran's villages are a prominent part of Taiwan's history. Sixty years ago these villages were created as temporary shelters for families of military personnel that came to Taiwan. In 1949, the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan and people came from almost every province in China. Many came with wives and children and needed housing, so veteran's villages were built all over Taiwan. Gangshan village was developed for the air forces, Cianjhen village housed the army and Zuoying village the Navy. At that time the military believed they would soon retake the Mainland, so housing was originally only temporary. Communities began to develop their own dynamic culture and over half a century later they now embrace this land they now call home.
In Zuoying, officers lived in large housing previously constructed by the Japanese. Houses were then constructed for the lower ranking marines. However these single-story houses provided minimal functionality. There were no fences, sense of ownership, space or privacy. The residents eventually made their own fences out of bamboo, which became a signature feature of these villages. This earned the veterans' village the nick name the Bamboo Fence Grid. The resilient bamboo fences alongside hibiscus bushes became a symbol of the Veteran's Villages.
In 1980, the Veteran's Village Reconstruction Project was launched and many of the old villages were demolished and replaced by modern apartment compounds. However, some of the original veteran's villages still exist. The veterans' village in Zuoying District is the largest still in existence. During Japanese colonial rule, the Japanese developed Zuoying as a major military port.
When the ROC arrived in 1945, Zuoying became a strategic Navy base. As it grew it began to take on its own character. The Mingde New Village has only 52 residences that live in single family houses with their own gardens and backyards. Each home is approximately 250 pings (approximately 826 square meters). To this day Mingde New Village still houses retired captains and admirals and their families.
These old-fashioned veteran's villages are sadly disappearing and the culture is in danger of disappearing. Some people have started working to preserve the military villages. Mayor Chen Chu feels the military villages are part of Taiwan's irreplaceable historical heritage and has already developed policies to preserve the Zuoying's veteran's villages. The City Government delegated 59 hectares (approximately 0.59 square kilometers) in the Zuoying District as a cultural heritage site. The City Government has also been negotiating with the Ministry of Defense to exchange the land in Zuoying with other parts of Kaohsiung. The ultimate goal is to transform the village into a cultural park.
The Mingde New Village is still occupied by many residents. Although, it is considered a living museum, many people are worried the government's renovation plan implies the demolition of the entire village. This is certainly not something the city wishes and vows the cultural park will invite contemporary artists such as Li Mingze and Su Wangshen to revitalize the village and retain its history, heritage and identity. However, the artists will be free to express their creativity.
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